Friday, January 21, 2011

Apologies to you Five Followers

Sorry I've been radio silent this January.

Good things have happened to your friend JD, so I've been enjoying life again and spending time away from this keyboard.

Plus, my beloved Pats got smacked around by the Flying Foot Fetishes last weekend, thus I've had to keep a low profile this week and endure the Packers fans at work (read: 9 out of 10 of every 3000 employees here in Madison) because I talked smack, and the Fudge Packers are still alive this weekend against Da Bears. Go Da Bears!

Lots of thoughts stewing in my head, though. Quick hits:

- If you haven't yet, rent (or buy) "The Social Network." Best film hands down in my opinion, yet I still need to see "The Kings Speech" or "127 Hours," both of which are said to be good.

- One month until pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training. Our Red Sox are looking great on paper. Let's see if we can find one more pitcher and then I'm allowed to talk smack again.

- We had a high of 2 today, with a windchill somewhere around -20. I don't wear a coat (again, I'm an idiot) so getting from home to work and then out for a few errands was nipple-inducing hell. Plus, my battery died at one point so I had to have a friend give me a jump and then wait as I filled the gas tank in case I conked out again. He's getting an adult beverage on the house.

- Hit your local Bath & Body Works: they're having a sale (at least my location is) through February, and I've been smelling all fruity and hot (according to more than 1 of my female friends, which is a positive read) once I dropped $50 on lotions, shower gel, soap, etc. Anyone else out there who reads my blog who is single, trust me: it's fucking catnip. No more Ivory soap for this heterosexual male.

- Off to the Dells tomorrow for a welcome January respite in a heated indoor waterpark. Why hasn't Boston figured this out? It is truly the greatest activity in the doldrums of January and February: drifting along a 75-degree lazy river, sliding down a 20-story waterslide in 75-degree water, and enjoying a cold one whilst watching a game in 85-degree temperature-controlled climate. Y'all know I have a pretty decent bone to pick with the state of Wisconsin, but in this case, they're waaaaayyyyy ahead of you, you other 49 states.

That's enough for now. Hope all are well in this early (and assbiting freezing) 2011. Chat soon.



1 comment:

  1. Hi JD, glad to hear we're not the only ones suffering through a cold snap here in Boston. I had to laugh at your comments about body products. Just the other day I discovered the coconut lotion from The Body Shop. It's not too gross but may be to girly for you. I also enjoy the badger brand products but that makes me smell like a macaroon (not a bad thing).
